Helpful Resources & Organizations- Dallas, Texas, USA
Valuable Resources & Organizations in Dallas, Texas, USA 1.) Lullaby House Website: LINK Website Purpose:” The Lullaby House is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization. Our mission is to assist…
How to Delegate Household Chores Productively?
Do you know how to delegate household chores productively and efficiently? Well if you need some help keep reading. Here you will learn 10 steps to take to assign home…
10 Car Safety Tips + Recommended Car Accessories & Gadgets
Do you know any car safety tips? Are you a beginner driver who needs all the advice and tips for car safety? Well, continue reading for tips to stay safe….
4 Christian Female Entrepreneurs to Follow in 2024
You have yet to find Christian female entrepreneurs to follow?? Well, keep reading to know about 4 women whose businesses can help YOU grow in your Faith as a Christian…
Helpful Resources & Organizations- McAllen, Texas, USA
Useful Resources & Organizations- McAllen, Texas, USA 1.) Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc Website Link: Purpose: Provides food for families in need and Hosts Community…
Kenia’s Referral Codes
Referral codes and links are free when signing up. You get $ bonuses if you use my code and I do too. 🙂 Any future referral links will be here!!…
Bj is the solution to your various thoughts per day
Bullet journaling has many benefits, as individuals with a lot on our minds, being able to place thoughts to words on paper can bring you peace in many ways!!! Not…
10 Digital Coupon Beginner-Friendly Tips You Should Know! + Screenshots of $ I earned in 5 months
“American households could save as much as $1,465 annually on average by utilizing online and mobile coupons” [1]. What I’ve learned from Budgeting and Couponing since the end of July…
Budgeting Finances Template
I am so excited to share with you a free PDF template to help you Budget your money/finances wisely. YouTube Link: Link This template is targeted specifically…
Personal Thoughts and Facts about Stress Sweat & Hyperhidrosis
(Photo by Ron Lach) Facts about Hyperhidrosis & Stress Sweat!! What is Hyperhidrosis? A: “Hyperhidrosis is a common condition in which a person sweats excessively. Sweating may affect…
22 Tangible Tips to Combat Hyperhidrosis and Body Odor, Armpit area Specifically!!
Photo Credit Link: Photo by Esra Korkmaz from Pexels So here are some of the tips/hacks/methods of doing things I have done to combat Excessive Sweating: Note: Not…
If you struggle with Hyperhidrosis in the Armpit area, Thompson Tee Shirts are for you!
Hello, my name is Kenia Lievanos and since 6th grade around 11/12 years of age, (currently 21 years old), I remember struggling with excessive sweat, especially around my armpit…